For this Day:


Something Good

Always look into...


Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.
- Nepoleon Bonaparte

From Starfish story

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
- Edward Everett Hale

படித்ததில் பிடித்தது...

padiththadhil pidiththadhu
நடவுக்குப் பயிரைக் கட்டி
லாவகமாய் வீசுகிறார்
குருவுணித் தாத்தா.
அவர் கணித்த இடத்தில்
மிகச்சரியாக விழுகிறது நாத்துக்கட்டு.
சீரான லயத்தில் தொடர்ந்து
அள்ளி முடிகிறாள்
செல்லக்கா பாட்டி.
உழைத்துக் களைத்த மரங்களிரண்டும்
நடவு வயலின் நடுவே
யாரும் பார்க்காத நேரம்
சேற்றைக் குழப்பிப் பத்திடுகிறாள்.
'போ கழுத'  என்றபடி
கொண்டையைப் பிடித்து இழுக்கும் தாத்தாவை
உதறியபடி வெட்கச் சிரிப்போடு மீறுகிறாள் பாட்டி.
நாளை பயிராகும்
இன்றே தொடங்குகிறது
அன்பின் நடவு. 
பயணிக்கும் பல்லவி
ஈருருளிப் பயணங்களில்
வேறு வழியற்று
தகப்பன் தாய்க்கு
நடுவில் நசுங்கியமர்ந்து தலையை நீட்டி
வேடிக்கை பார்த்துத்
தானும் மகிழும்
தலைப் பிள்ளைகள் பற்றித் தனியாய்
என்ன இருக்கிறது.
கண்திறக்கும் கடவுள் 
கண்மூடிய பிரார்த்தனை நேரங்களில்
ஒற்றைக் கண்ணைத் திறந்து பார்க்கும்
பார்த்து ஆசீர்வதித்துச்
செல்கிறார் கடவுள்.
போக்குவரத்து மாற்றம்
பனியின் கனமேறி
தலைவைத்துப் படுத்திருக்கும்
கழுத்து நீண்ட மஞ்சள் பூவிற்காக
இன்று மட்டும் நிறுத்திவையுங்கள்
ரயில் போக்குவரத்தை.

Tale of 2 wolves

Have you ever heard the tale of the 2 wolves?

I came across it online recently. It's a Cherokee Indian legend and it beautifully illustrates an important message so I wanted to share it with you as we finish off the week...


An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." 

He continued, "The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


Today let's feed the good wolf within ourselves! 🐺

Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Obstacles comes in...

Real obstacles don't take you in circles.
They can be overcome.
Invented ones are like a maze.
-Barbara Sher 

Gain by experience

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

Never forget

Endless plannings...?

Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action.
- David J. Schwartz


We are all gifted. That is our inheritance.
- Ethel Waters

The Basic Rule

Success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be in is the support of other people.
- David J. Schwartz

Good, better and the best

I hear, I know.
I see, I remember.
I do, I understand.

- Confucius

HBD Omar Khayyam

A book of verses underneath the bough,
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread -- and thou
Beside me singing in the wilderness --
Oh, wilderness were paradise enow!
- Omar Khayyam, poet, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, and physician (18 May 1048 - 1131)

Great... Time

All great achievements require time.
Maya Angelou

Work only for...

"The person who does not work for the love work but only for money is not likely to make money nor find much fun in life."
- Charles M. Schwab

Influence of...

Don't ask me who's influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he's digested, and I've been reading all my life. 
-Giorgos Seferis, writer, diplomat, Nobel laureate (1900-1971) 

Ask yourself...

When you wake in the morning, ask yourself...
"What type of day do I want to have?"

Then remember, you have the power to create it!
It's all about HOW you start your day.
What mindset you choose and the energy you bring...

Half & Double

Its Okay

Do more...

Plan, execute...

Have a good plan, execute it violently, and do it today!
- Douglas MacArthur

impossible - only place

The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking. 
-Robert H. Schuller

Cheap enough

Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.
- Hosea Ballou

Walk Boldly...

Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them. 
-Orison Swett Marden

Corner to improve...

"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." 
~ Aldous Huxley

More & less

More law, less justice.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Enthusiasm & Miracles

Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no mater how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles.
-Og Mandino

Stepping Stones

Who is calling?

Form this Habit

When I pray...

When I pray, coincidences happen, and 
when I don't, they don't.
- William Temple

Your capacity

Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals.
- Og Mandino


You are enough.
You do enough.
Breathe extra deep, let go, 
and just live right now in this moment."
- Unknown the right way

People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in the right way.
- A. C. Benson