For this Day:


"35 Priceless Lessons 2015 Taught Me" By Robin Sharma

35 Priceless Lessons 2015 Taught Me

By Robin Sharma

#1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title

Robin Sharma shares the 35 lessons that were of the greatest value over 2015.

As we end another year, I wanted to offer up the 35 lessons that were of the greatest value to me over 2015.

I–with a humble and wide open heart–thank you for following + sharing + living + modeling my work (whether via my YouTube videos/Facebook posts/tweets/books/live events) over these past 12 months.

Here are the 35 insights that served me best this year…

#1. Ambition is only a dirty word if it's an unclean ambition. Human beings are built to grow and progress. You are meant to shine.

#2. As you rise in authentic power, craft and impact, some will throw rocks at you. Take the High Road. And trust that the truth always wins.

#3. You can pursue shiny distractions. Or you can do epic work. You just don't get to do both.

#4. A rare-air dream requires an explosively great team. The smartest way to grow a company is to develop your people.

#5. Generosity is the cure for scarcity. Be the most giving person in every room you're in and life will reward you with uncommon blessings. Remember: doing good in expectation of some return is no gift–it's an exchange.

#6. Why worry about a disrupted economy when you can build your own economy via the pursuit of mastery.

#7. Happy people make happy leaders–which create happy teams. So work on your happiness.

#8. A smile to a stranger is a gift of vast proportions.

#9. Creativity breeds amid solitude versus noise.

#10. If world-class was easy, everyone would be doing it.

#11. A monumental vision means, en route to the summit, you're certain to experience monumental hurts. That's just the price of bravery. Stay in the game. Longer than any naysayers suggest you should.

#12. Being on time is hip. Keeping your promises is cool. Having good manners is in.

#13. Optimism is a gorgeous contagion.

#14. Busy isn't productivity. Fake work isn't real work. Fight for focus. And execute on what counts.

#15. Love is the antidote to fear.

#16. Exceptional physical fitness is a game-changer.

#17. Honor your parents as you'll miss them when they're gone.

#18. A fast-growing company is a highly-vulnerable entity. As you scale, it's so easy to stop doing the special things that made you special. Stay solid on your founding values. Work even harder to be of service. Push even more passionately for mastery.

#19. Never miss a single opportunity to help another human being. At the end, our highest honor will come from our influence on others.

#20. The illusion of safety is always more dangerous than the discomfort of innovation.

#21. You can never give others more love than you deliver to yourself.

#22. The greatest leaders build more leaders.

#23. Legendary performers are generated via their daily rituals more than their inherited talents.

#24. Life's a series of seasons. We each have our times in the sunlight, and our days in the winters. Savor the easy runs and leverage the challenges to fuel compassion, courage, creativity and decency. All is good. The universe is a friendly place [Thanks Einstein].

#25. Writing of gratitude in a journal allows you to relive the more beautiful parts of your life on a daily basis.

#26. Business is a dialogue. Lose the dialogue with those you serve and you'll lose the business. Period. And always remember who puts food on your table.

#27. Meditation is a genius practice on your pursuit towards genius. Rewires the brain, releases serotonin and lights you all up. Do it daily.

#28. Mountain biking makes adults feel like kids again. [Thanks to my new Romanian friends who took me up the mountain outside Bucharest in September; I'll always remember that day].

#29. An obsession isn't unhealthy unless it's an unhealthy obsession.

#30. A job is only a job if you fall into the trap of perceiving it as a job. All work is a spectacular opportunity to polish your craft, push your edges, transcend your fears and bring greater light into the world.

#31. Just because others don't live your values doesn't mean you shouldn't stand for your values. Martin Luther King, Jr: "Until you've found something you're willing to die for you're not fit to live."

#32. The best producers are curious, invest deeply in their growth and adore reading + going to conferences + befriending giant thinkers.

#33. Achievement without joy is failure, not winning.

#34. Watch the sunset every night in acute celebration of the gift of yet another day.

#35. Remember your heroic nature. And lift all those who intersect your life. There are no extra people alive today. You matter. More than you know.

With my truest wishes for your greatest success,

P.S. We just finished up The Titan Summit 2015 (magical!) and I just had to share the trailer with you as it brought tears to my eyes.

Watch it here for some beautiful inspiration

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