For this Day:


Workplace Health

Workplace Health

Are you keeping very late hours at work?

Are you constantly in a bad mood?

Are you struggling to wake up in the mornings?

Do you constantly feel stressed?

Are your deadlines unrealistic? Beware - you may be in for some bad news.

In an independent research, commissioned by the World Heart Federation, nearly one third of employees surveyed in four countries including India, felt their workplace actually made it difficult for them to lead a healthy lifestyle. And 91% believed that it was their employer's responsibility to create a healthy environment.

Employment has a significant impact on our physical, mental and social health since it is at the workplace that we spend the major part of our day. An unhealthy workplace coupled with an unfit lifestyle is the surest way to cause stress, depression, and chronic back problems, among others. Keeping up a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating healthily, and sleeping well and on time, are the ways that can fight off cardiovascular and other impending lifestyle diseases.

It is common knowledge that Indians are predisposed to heart disease and show symptoms 10 years before their counterparts in the West due to their unhealthy lifestyles. Incidents of heart attacks are now common in the 20-30 age group. One of the main reasons for this is stress – of trying to balance work and family while battling with rising inflation and financial problems. There is an increasing tussle for time – too many of us are spending too much time at work or commuting – and hence not having enough time to rest and relax.

Here are a few tips to keep you fresh and rejuvenated at the workplace:

  • Replace coffee/tea breaks with water breaks. You could also try skimmed milk, or fresh lime juice.
  • Cut down smoking breaks. Replace them fruit breaks instead
  • Take a few minutes out to get up and move around every hour if you're at a desk job.
  • Blink and wash your eyes every 45 minutes or so if working on a computer
  • Try to take the stairs instead of the lift or escalators
  • Cut down on salt and greasy food at the office canteen 

It's time to put your health first.

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