For this Day:




When things are NOT going well, it is time to stretch your self. Dig in to something which feeds your passion.

Disappointment in the results you produce is an indicator to adjust the strategies you are using. Seek out someone who has successfully done what you are doing and follow the path they have made.

Thinking in terms of either/or limits your opportunities. Move toward creating more options or choices and you move towards growth.

Approaching life expecting a specific outcome is self limiting. Instead, do the things you love and enjoy; whatever comes out of it will be of great value.

When your focus is on the experience and NOT on the result, you increase your satisfaction tenfold.

Think like a mouse in a maze: find multiple ways to reach your dreams. Only repeat those approaches that move you forward more quickly.

Failure is a sign of lack of skill or experience. By developing your strongest skills , you acquire the experience necessary to succeed.

Success is the consistent pursuit of things you value and the satisfaction of learning in the process.

When setbacks can be used as empowerment and motivation, you discover the strength of leveraging change.

Focusing on what can be done better, what your future looks like and refusing to engage in proving you are better than someone else demonstrates the power of leverage.

Feedback that is viewed as an opportunity to adjust your aim becomes a powerful way to leverage experience.

The stronger you feel about an issue or event, the more emotions are involved. Examine whether the emotions are positive or negative. Positive emotions fuel positive and lasting change.

Ask yourself, "Am I disappointed in the results or lack of effort I put into getting the results?"

By focusing on what your experiences teach you, you are leveraging the process of learning.

What you learn from your mistakes is more useful than learning not to make mistakes.

Doing something the way it has always been done without determining whether the results are the desired results is fool hearted.

Blame, judgment and comparing ourselves to others excuses us from being accountable for our actions or inactions.

When you are stuck in a state of indecision, take a position and find evidence to support it. When you struggle to defend that position, your resistance indicates change is necessary for you to move forward.

Leveraging change involves seeing the gap between your current situation and the desired destination as planks in a bridge instead of a jump across the Grand Canyon. Move forward, one step at a time and adjust your position.

Being unfocused is like being lost in the woods and walking in circles. To see where you need to go, slowly move one degree at a time until you discover your destination.

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