For this Day:


Most of the questions...

Think about it—aren't you asking and answering questions pretty much all day long?

  • Do I like my job?
  • When is this due?
  • Who should I vote for? 
  • What should I do today? 
  • Should I ask for a raise?
  • Does this make me look fat?
  • What should I have for lunch? 
  • Should I start my presentation this way, or that way?

...who does not fancy

The wisest man is he who does not fancy that he is so at all. 
-Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux, poet and critic (1636-1711)

Lazy man's way...

Fatalism is the lazy man's way of accepting the inevitable. 
-Natalie Clifford Barney, poet, playwright, and novelist (1876-1972)

an education....

"The giving of love is an education in itself."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

lash of wit

He who has provoked the lash of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it. 
-James Boswell, biographer and lawyer (1740-1795)

Meaning and Purpose

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."
~ Pablo Picasso

...exists only in imagination

Those who compare the age in which their lot has fallen with a golden age which exists only in imagination, may talk of degeneracy and decay; but no man who is correctly informed as to the past, will be disposed to take a morose or desponding view of the present. 
-Thomas Babington Macaulay, author and statesman (1800-1859)

Are you proud of...?

Would the boy you were be proud of the man you are? 
-Laurence J. Peter, educator and author (1919-1990)

power of forgiveness

What power has love but forgiveness? 
-William Carlos Williams, poet (1883-1963)

...polite and listen to

You have to hold your audience in writing to the very end -- much more than in talking, when people have to be polite and listen to you. 
-Brenda Ueland, writer (1891-1985)

..God's Gift

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
~ Desmond Tutu